Pharmcon’s Pass or Money Back Guarantee

We stand behind our exam review courses 100% with our Pass Guarantee

Pass or your money back! PharmCon’s exam review courses are the best way to ensure you’re ready, come exam day. We’re so confident that if you fail your exam after using our course, we’ll refund your money!

To qualify for our Pass Guarantee Program and get a tuition refund, a student must meet all of the following requirements:
  1. The student must register and pay full tuition (less applicable scholarships and discounts) for the Essentials Pass course.
  2. The student must fail the exam.
  3. The student must achieve a ReadySCORE™ of at least 70.
  4. The student must sit for each exam within 1, 3 or 6 months of beginning study, pending option purchased.
If a student fails the exam and would like to claim a refund of tuition, the student must send score reports for the exam section to the following address within ten days of final score release to:

201 N King of Prussia Rd, Suite 370
Radnor, PA 19087